Friday, November 23, 2012

1 6 Tips to be a successful blogger.


 1. Blog on a consistent basis.

First thing you need to do to be a successful blogger is being a consistent blogger. You need to pick a posting frequency and then stick to it no matter what. If you are new to blogging I suggest you to start with one to three posts per week. If you are going to post a blog everday, make sure you do it everyday. Pick a post frequency that you can handle. Posting a new blog everyday for a week and leaving it for another week will reduce interest from your readers to your blog. So make sure you can handle the posting frequency. Do not hurry to increase post numbers. Be consistent and give readers something new to read in consistent basis.

2. Be passionate about your topic.

Before starting blogging, make sure you have passion on the topic you are going to blog about. If you choose any random topic without passion on it and dream of being successful blogger, then be sure you are going to have a really hard time and at the end of the day your success will be zero. I repeat, without passion on the topic you are blogging on, your success will be zero. If you want to blog for long term, you should be able to keep patience and write on the topic you are passionate on. Blogging is not a one night success thing. Have patience and keep writing. Success will be following your way. You cannot be successful blogger unless you are passionate about your topic.

3. Interact with your readers.

You should be able to interact with your readers to be a successful blogger. Reply your readers emails and comments. It will build your trust and loyality towards your readers. A blog is about posting your view and knowing what your readers feel about it. So don't hesitate to reply the comments and feedbacks from your readers. Make them feel that you write for them and are always ready to clear the thing they didn't understand on your post. This will keep your readers with you for long term.

4. Be a good writer.

It is not necessary to be a great writer to be a successful blogger.But you should be able to make your readers understand your ideas. They will not even care about occasional grammar mistakes as long as they can understand what you write. But make sure they will not have any trouble understanding it.

5. Write for readers not for search engines.

Many of beginners are always in hurry to be indexed by search engines. But in my view, it is not always necessary to be indexed by search engines. Readers will not read your blog if you write for SE because your blog will not make any sense. Write what readers loves to read. Make your blog readers friendly rather than making it SE friendly.

6. Read other successful blogs.

Successful bloggers always reads other successful bloggers's blog. Reading other successful blogs will give you new ideas. It will be even more fruitful if you read blogs with same niche you are blogging about. You will know different ways from different bloggers to make your blog successful.


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